Welcome to
Asfordby Hill Primary School

Achieving High Standards

Welcome to Asfordby Hill Website. We have spaces in year 1 and year 4. Please email the school if you would like to come and have a look around.


Headteacher’s Welcome 

We warmly welcome you to Asfordby Hill Primary School and hope that our website gives you an insight into our wonderful community.

Our visitors comment that Asfordby Hill is a friendly, caring and nurturing environment. We aim for all our pupils to achieve high standards in all areas of life by offering a creative and exciting curriculum. This provides everyone with opportunities to develop interests and talents and become happy, lifelong learners.

Of course we value our close partnership with parents and recognise the school’s place in the wider community. We actively seek and encourage positive collaboration with all who can help us develop as a place of excellence and enjoyment.

The journey starts here …

If you are a prospective parent considering Asfordby Hill for your child, we would love to hear from you and give you a guided tour.


Mrs P Millward


A Message from the Chair of Governors

I am delighted to introduce myself as the Chair of Governors/Trustees at Asfordby Hill Primary School. My name is Jenny Smith and I feel very privileged to support you in this position. 

My association with Asfordby Hill started while I was the Partnership Development Manager for School Sport in the Melton and Belvoir Sports Partnership.  The warm welcome I received from the very first greeting on entering the foyer continued throughout all interactions. The friendly, family atmosphere and respect shown to and by all the school community ensured that when I decided to return to teaching it was my first port of call. I enjoyed many years, not only teaching here but also being a governor.   

Governors are volunteers and our main role is to work with the school ensuring that your children receive the best education in a supportive and safe setting. To this end we have four core strategic functions which are: 

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction. 
  • Holding leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff. 
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent. 
  • Ensure that other key players with a stake in the organisation get their voices heard. 

Our governors come from a range of backgrounds and have different skills, but we could not do our job without the expertise and commitment of the Headteacher, Mrs Millward and her staff.  

In my opinion, Asfordby Hill is a very good school. Our strengths include the positive and courteous relationships between all our stakeholders; every individual child being valued and encouraged to achieve their very best, to think independently and develop their mental resilience; respecting others as individuals; preparing every child to be successful as modern-day citizens and leaving our school with a love of learning.

If you are in the position of looking for a school to send your children to, then I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Asfordby Hill Primary School. Why not visit and see for yourselves: come along, experience and enjoy its special welcome – then make up your own mind about this great school. 

Mrs Jenny Smith
Chair of Governors