School Uniform
School Uniform Sweatshirts, fleeces and polo shirts for Asfordby Hill School are on sale at Kidzone, Leicester Street. PE hoodies and polo shirts can be bought from the school office. Clothes without logos can also be bought from any major supermarket.
School colours are red and navy blue. The majority of children wear red sweat shirts and navy blue fleeces, with dark trousers/skirts, with red, navy blue or white polo shirts. Children wear black school shoes. Jewellery/Watches are not permitted with the exception of small stud earrings.
We have a store of second-hand uniform that is available to all parents – please ask at the office.
Outdoor Learning Much of the Foundation Stage learning now takes place out of doors. To help our children access learning in all weather conditions, please provide a pair of named Wellingtons to be kept in school.
P.E. On PE days children can come to school in their PE Kit (trainers, dark coloured tracksuit bottoms, white T Shirt, plain red or navy blue Hoodie) All long hair must be tied back and no earrings can be worn when we doing P.E. You will be told your child’s PE day at the beginning of term.
Labelling Clothes Please ensure that ALL CLOTHES AND SHOES are LABELLED or MARKED with the child’s name. Wellingtons, shoes, plimsolls can be marked on the inside with a biro or permanent marker and may need to be redone during the year. Other items – scarves, gloves, lunch boxes etc can also go missing and should also be labelled. Your child will most probably lose their sweatshirt/hoodie/jumper etc and it is much easier to search for it if it has a name inside.