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Our Team

Senior Leadership Team (SLT)

Image Staff Name Roles

Mrs P Millward

Designated Safeguarding Lead
Music and MFL lead

Mrs N Bailey

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Geography and History Lead

Miss Parrott

Senior Leader
Maths Lead

Mr Amps

Senior Leader
Writing, Art, DT Lead

Teaching Team

Image Staff Name Roles
Miss Harby

EYFS Teacher

Phonics and Reading Lead

Mrs Blunt

Y1 Teacher

Religion and World views Lead

Mr Amps

Y2 Teacher
Writing, Art, DT Lead

Miss Lovegrove

Y3 Teacher

PSHE and RSHE Lead

Mrs Smalley

Y4 Teacher


PE Lead

Mr Forde

Y5 Teacher

Science and Computing Lead

Mrs Parrott

Y6 Teacher

Maths Lead

Mrs Bailey

Y6 Teacher & Co-Headteacher
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Geography and History Lead

Learning Support Team

Image Staff Name Roles
Mrs Paynter

EYFS - Chestnuts

Mrs Cresswell

EYFS - Chestnuts
SALT Intervention

Mrs Gwynn Y1 - Willow
Mrs Davidson Y1 - Willow
Mrs Griffin Y2- Holly
Y4 - Beech
Mrs Newell Y2 - Holly
Mrs Caldwell Y3 - Rowan
Mr Iron Y3 - Rowan
Sports Coach
Mrs Hacking Y4 -Beech
Y6 - Oak
Mrs Purkis Y5 - Sycamore
Mrs Jastrzębska Y5 - Sycamore
Mrs Heald Y6 - Oak
Mrs Close Y6-Oak
Mr Fox


EYFS- Chestnuts

Office Team

Image Staff Name Roles
Miss Webb

Office Administration Assistant
Lunchtime Supervisor

Mrs Charles School Business Manager
Lunchtime Supervisor

Lunchtime Team

Image Staff Name Roles
Mrs Webb Lunchtime Supervisor
Mrs Charles Lunchtime Supervisor
Mrs Davidson Lunchtime Supervisor
Mrs Caldwell Lunchtime Supervisor
Mrs Jastrzębska Lunchtime Supervisor

Mrs Griffin

Lunchtime Supervisor
Mrs Newell Lunchtime Supervisor
Mr Iron Active Lunchtimes

Wrap-Around Care Team

Image Staff Name Roles
Mrs Davidson Wrap-Around Care - AM
Mrs Griffin Wrap-Around Care - AM
Mrs Newell Wrap-Around Care - PM
Mrs Purkis Wrap-Around Care - PM

Premises team

Image Staff Name Roles
Mr Fryer Premises Officer
Mrs Proudman Cleaner

Kitchen Team

Image Staff Name Roles
  Sindy Kitchen
  Paula Kitchen