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“The essence of mathematics is not to make simple things complicated, but to make the complicated things simple.” – Stan Gudder

“There are two versions of maths in lives of many: the strange and boring subject that they encountered in classrooms and an interesting set of facts that is the maths of the world and curiously different and surprisingly engaging. Our task is to introduce this second version to today’s students, get them excited about maths and prepare them for the future.” – Jo Boaler

Intent - What are we aiming for?

Intent - ‘Every Child a Mathematician’

In maths, we foresee that every child leaves Asfordby Hill Primary School a mathematician. To achieve this, we aim for all our children to acquire the following:

  • · Number Sense – the ability to think analytically with numbers; spotting patterns and relationships and adopting efficient methods that have been committed to long-term memory.
  • · A confident and competent approach to age- relevant problems using metacognitive approaches and retrieval strategies to bring relevant knowledge into the working memory.
  • · The ability to use a broad range of mathematical strategies and using metacognitive approaches to determine the best method.
  • · An ability to represent number in a variety of ways and within different contexts.
  • · The mathematical skills that will enable them to become confident and functional future citizens.
  • · An ability to approach challenges with a growth mindset and apply to our ‘Rainbow Skills’ where required: optimism, curiosity, perseverance, understanding others, gratitude, self-control and enthusiasm.As they move throughout the school, our children will become more aware of the inter-connectivity of maths; they will be able to apply and transfer skills across different topic areas and domains and gain a rich schema in the process.

We aim to provide Asfordby Hill’s children with the pre-requisite skills and knowledge that will equip them for the modern, data-driven technological world that they will grow up in.

Implementation - What does this look like?



Key Documents: